Friday, March 27, 2009

I learn to get by on little victories.

Current Song: "Little Victories" - Matt Nathanson

After a week of disappointments of varying magnitude, some tragic and some just lame, today is radiating a kind of promise I haven't felt in awhile.

And it really is about the simple pleasures. About a 65 degree day when you actually have time to go running outside. About the sweet and unnecessary email from a friend. About the concert tickets that just happened to go on sale the moment you discovered them. About the perfect cup of coffee.

Is it completely unromantic to believe that life really is about the day to day joys? Moments. Not dreams, not journeys. Just moments. Is that simply an impatient perspective?

I'm content to live a life of truly fantastic moments. And if, once in a rare while, they string together to make one really great day, that's just magic.

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