Saturday, April 4, 2009

This is fact, not fiction. For the first time in years.

Current song: "A Lack of Color" - Death Cab for Cutie

I do believe that anything good never comes easy.I do believe that passion requires sacrifice.

But I also believe that sometimes we are given explicit road signs, in black and white, that we stubborn creatures choose to ignore in an effort to be strong, persistent, even noble.

And lately, I consistently feel locked in futile pursuit of something someone else has chosen for me. A pursuit that at it's very core goes against every fiber of my being.

It's cowardly for me to imply that someone else has chosen this path for me. I chose it for myself. But only because of my incurable desire to please others.

Who am I doing this for?

And I am screaming this question at the top of my lungs, only I am standing at the bottom of an empty canyon drowning in the echo of my own unanswered voice.

1 comment:

  1. If you really feel this - and it isn't just a passing mood - do something about it. If you don't, you will regret it.
