Sunday, March 22, 2009

I feel so much spring...

There is an open call tomorrow that I have vowed to myself I will go to on sheer principle. The stipulation being (because when is there not a stipulation with me?) that I will go no earlier than 8AM, and if I don't get seen, so be it.

I am attending said open call for two reasons. One being that, though I have no desire to do summer stock, I have little else going on this summer yet. Thus, any pursuit of summer employment is a valid one.

The second, and more legitimate excuse, is that I have a voice teacher who believes in me with every fiber of her being and wants to see me perform professionally. And until I come up with a valid alternative (e.g. an internship, other non-performing job), I will continue to pursue these opportunities for no other reason than a respect for her...

Okay, I realize that seems a bit convoluted. But, practical person that I am, I really can't break the "I don't want to do musical theatre for a living" news to my creative mentor until I can back this decision up with a tangible alternative.

I believe that she will continue to teach me as long I should choose to study. Which, at this point, is indefinitely, as I believe in preserving one's instrument, and singing for singing's sake. But I will admit that breaking the news to her that I may not, indeed, be bound for a life as a musical theatre is by far the hardest part of that decision.

One step at a time. Spring is upon us, money (albeit a modest amount) is coming in. My friends and family are healthy and, all things considered, happy. In spite of recent tragedies, I am filled with a sense of gratitude and promise. And I choose to embrace it as fully as I can.

P.S. Major shout out to KJ, this blog's only admitted devotee. Thank you for supporting my torrid love affair with the English language.

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