Friday, March 20, 2009


It's the single greatest unanswered question of human existence.

Intelligent creatures that we are, we need reasons to accept things. We need reasons to understand.

So when a complete freak accident cuts short the life of a brilliant, beautiful, compassionate and kind 22 year-old, it's the question we keep coming back to.

The hard part is, we can fill in every detail, solve every part of the mystery, and still not have our answer.

And we can choose to be angry, because it is such an irrational, unfair, ridiculous tragedy.

And we can choose to take it as a reminder of how lucky we are to be taking the very breath we are taking at the very moment we are taking it.

And we can choose to take it as an excuse to reach out and reconnect with the people we love.

And we do all of these things, to an extent. None of which answer the eternal question.

This is the kind of soul-numbing tragedy to which words and actions can do no justice.

This is something about which I will ask "Why?" for the rest of my time on this earth.

And it is moments like this that we all have to cling to some sense of something greater than what we know. And in that greater thing, whatever or whoever it may be, lies the answer. It has to.

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