Saturday, July 25, 2009

To blog or not to blog?

I guess it's a pretty decent sign that I'm doing valuable things with my life when I don't have time to blog. Come on, writing anything over 140 characters is so passe. Still, cultivating a personal writing outlet is becoming increasingly necessary as life becomes increasingly worth writing about. Which brings up my first question: ending sentences in prepositions as a stylistic choice: Go.


And, let's be serious. Blossoming professional and social life aside, there remains plenty of time that could be spent blogging when I am instead picking at my cuticles and watching reruns of 'The Real Housewives of New Jersey' or having a staring contest with my gym shoes.

But perhaps the dilemma I face each time I revisit the blank screen is walking the fine line between blogging about one's life (after all, isn't that all we really know?) and blogging about something greater, something more accessible to whoever lies out there in that great void to which we yield the moment we click 'publish'.

On one hand, we have the ultimate freedom, as we are pouring our thoughts into a public venue so vast that they can easily be ignored. On the other hand, the very public nature of a blog carries with it an implicit desire for others to read it, no? So how do we stay honest, yet relevant?

I guess we start with ourselves, and see where it leads us.

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