Friday, March 5, 2010

Cheers to health.

Today is the first day this week - or dare I say, in over a week - that I have not been in some physical pain. Excuse the apparent melodrama - but it is a fact - I have done a lot of pain-inducing activities, been teetering on the edge of sickness, and had a nasty (but not uncommon) pinched nerve in my neck.

Unfortunately I'm no stranger to long-term bouts of pain (never utterly incapacitating but at times intolerable). But I have been recovered for a few years now, and it is amazing how quickly we forget our greatest trials, and revert to taking life's most basic necessities for granted.

So here's to today's absence of pain, an unbelievably freeing, essential gift. And a reticent 'thank you' to the universe, as well, for the unwelcome yet necessary reminder of lucky I am to be young, well, and alive.

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