Thursday, July 15, 2010

"I've been through this."

There’s a strange sense of comfort and accomplishment that accompanies the ability to utter those words when faced with one of life’s many unprecedented hurdles.

Over the course of 23 years of being chronic worrier, I’m prepared to identify my mortal enemy: the unknown. What’s better? I know I’m not alone.

What do we do when faced with the possibility of a past struggle resurfacing – and the realization that though we have won the battle, or perhaps several, we have yet to win the war?

We keep fighting, with the confidence that we know how to. With the conviction that the odds are in our favor. With the gratitude that our battles are fewer and farther between than most. With the knowledge that the war will be won, and it’s simply a matter of when.

And with the optimism that maybe the unknown isn’t something to fear.

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