Friday, August 14, 2009

This was fun.

Shamelessly stolen from Alyssa because, in the interest of conserving money, energy, and sanity, I am home on a Friday night:

Daily Intelligencer's 21 Questions →

Pretending I’m cool enough to be interviewed by

Name: Kate
Age: 22
Neighborhood: UWS
Occupation: Singer, Actress, Usher, Theatrical Marketing Assistant

Who’s your favorite New Yorker, living or dead, real or fictional?
As a person he may not be my favorite, but Woody embodies New York for me.

What’s the best meal you’ve eaten in New York?
Probably caviar and champagne with my mom last Christmas at Petrossian, immediately before we saw Dustin Hoffman outside Carnegie Hall. Good day.

In one sentence, what do you actually do all day in your job?
Open mouth and make sound on pitch.
Oh, in my DAY job? Search for and implement new and effective strategies to uphold theater as a priority in the eyes of the public.

Would you still live here on a $35,000 salary?
I do, on less. Ouch.

What’s the last thing you saw on Broadway?
Ashamed to say Next to Normal, though this shouldn't be indicative of anything since I see pretty much everything that is on Broadway at any given point if I don't have to pay full price.

Do you give money to panhandlers?
Never. Street performers, often.

What’s your drink?
Morning: Coffee
Afternoon: Sprite Zero
Night: Miller Lite
Constantly: Water

How often do you prepare your own meals?
I work a mean microwave, but have taken to actually cooking (easy things) once or twice a week.

What’s your favorite medication?
Advil PM.

What’s hanging above your sofa?
A framed, black and white panoramic Henri Silberman photo of the Brooklyn Bridge/lower Manhattan. You know the one.

How much is too much to spend on a haircut?

When’s bedtime?
11:30 on weeknights, never on weekends.

Which do you prefer, the old Times Square or the new Times Square?
The old, if you're talking about the pedestrian plazas. Yuck. The last thing tourists need is another excuse to bring midtown to a standstill.

What do you think of Donald Trump?
I could care less. Completely ambivalent.

What do you hate most about living in New York?
Not having my car. Not that I would want to drive here.

Who is your mortal enemy?

When’s the last time you drove a car?
Two weeks ago. My beloved car, Roxie, gracefully navigating the twisting roads of suburban CT, where she belongs. Sigh.

How has the Wall Street crash affected you?
Emotionally and mentally far more than literally. It has significantly raised my sense of awareness, realism, and frugality.

Times, Post, or Daily News?

Where do you go to be alone?
My apartment.

What makes someone a New Yorker?
Being utterly unfazed yet deeply devoted to this city's limitless possibilities.

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